
The Enviroment

Schuylkill County is home to some stunning vistas, natural landmarks, beautiful parks and game lands. It’s important that we have these communal areas for everyone to enjoy. Nature is an intrinsic value.


While I am not a hunter myself, I do appreciate those who do hunt. When it comes to our state game lands that we have here in Schuylkill County, I am glad we have these areas where people can partake in their sport safely.


When it comes to Schuylkill County, everyone instantly thinks of coal. It’s something that has made this area what it is, has brought money to the area and continues to do. While we need to take into serious consideration our energy choice’s affect on the planet itself, we also need to understand that there are many families out there who are reliant on coal as an energy source, and cannot afford to switch to something else.

The state of Pennsylvania gives $3 billion a year in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. Carving some of that money out to give to people in areas like the 123rd for tax rebates to transition from coal burning to a cleaner energy option would allow us to take those steps to a cleaner energy source. Take that money we are giving to fossil fuel companies and give that to the people instead. Give people the kind of energy independence in this area that they are so desperate to find. Taking that money and putting it back into our pockets is only going to do us a favor here.

Energy Sources

We need to create subsidies for people to adequately transition. Imagine if there was a state program where people could access funds to get out of their coal fired furnaces, and combining that with a 30% tax rebate to put solar panels on your house? You can now heat your house almost for free.

Renewable energy sources are of extreme importance as we’re choking our world to death. We’re already on the cusp of that 1.5 degree Celsius number that is going to cause horrific problems. The sooner we get people on board with turning their home into a powerplant, the better.

Mike proposes to redirect state subsidies currently going to fossil fuels towards helping residents transition from coal and oil heating to cleaner energy options like electric heating. This shift could be supported further by leveraging federal tax rebates for solar installations to reduce overall energy costs for homeowners.

Solar/Wind Farms

Schuylkill County has a major benefit when it comes to the renewable energy space. In addition to the plethora of coal mines, it has a lot of rural spaces owned by farmers. We need to see more funding provided for farmers to turn their land into solar/wind farms, should they desire to. By not advocating for programs for the 123rd, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. These farms would be able to provide energy for thousands of the people in the 123rd, and provide another energy source.


There were many EPA regulations rolled back during the Trump Administration for profit reasons, and while that may be okay for some, ruining our water is not the winning argument. Reinstituting those regulations and advocating for their re-installment is important. We need to keep our water pristine, and the Chesapeake Watershed begins here in the 123rd. It is our duty to keep our water clean.